Diwali Traditions
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Diwali Traditions

Diwali is a festival of lights celebrated around the world by the South Asian diaspora. It is a religious holiday for Hindu,Jain, Sikh, and Buddhist people, and Diwali festivities can include anyone who wants to join in. This year I asked my maternal grandparents what they did to celebrate Diwali in Kolkata, which is a large city in the eastern part of India.

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All School Ice Skating

It was summer in January in San Francisco and Synergy’s all school skating trip (one of my personal favorites) was on the schedule. Some kids came well prepared—other’s sporting shorts and t-shirts. The kindergarteners left early—because it takes them a little longer to get places—and the rest of the school paraded down to BART. Part of the fun of a class trip is getting there and back, and kids enjoyed the journey despite the heat.