So What’s Your Story?


Our oldest son, Julian, was in the first class at this building – and our twins, Ro and Gabe, graduated three years ago. Synergy was part of our family for 15 great years.

Just a few weeks ago, Gabe and I were driving by Synergy. I commented, like I probably have many times before, that his older brother and I helped plant that redwood in the soft yard. Then he responded thoughtfully, “You know, dad, Synergy really was a great school. Overall my experience there was awesome.” For those that know Gabe, he is not given to hyperbole. He meant it. I suspect because he is old enough now to realize what a special place it holds in his life and our lives. And he is right. For that our family is very grateful.

I had the honor of serving on the Board with Russ, Katherine and Jill (our co-founders) for many years. I think it’s important to recognize how fortunate the Board and the school are to have the founders’ voice and experience for all of this time. Their vision of a co-op that could embrace the ideals of progressive education and empower teachers, children, and families within a community still informs the school to this day. Russ, I am so glad that you had the courage, naiveté, and gumption years ago to call Katherine and Jill and say, “Hey, I bought a building, we’re starting our school.”

And look what happened. Synergy was a “disruptive startup” long before any of us knew what that meant. And for that my family is grateful. As I’m sure many of the current and alum parents and students are as well.

The truth is it’s challenging now being a parent. I find myself being concerned about the state of the world and what the future may hold for our children. But if there is any place that can prepare them for what lies ahead, it’s Synergy. I would say to all the current and alum teachers and staff – I hope you know what an important role this remarkable school holds for the future. Because every day the kids here, past and present, have received large doses of the antidote for all the craziness in the world. They understand that the antidote to divisiveness is unity through diversity. They understand that the antidote to despair is hope. They understand that the antidote to hate is love. And for that we are all profoundly grateful.

–Kevin White, Alumni Parent, Annamarie Faro-White, Julian, Class of 2008, Roland & Gabriel, Class of 2014

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