Remembering Tammy Damon

In Memoriam: Tammy Damon 1948-2023
Tammy Damon devoted so much of herself to Synergy and the education of many generations of students. Our family met her in the latter half of her career. Tammy and her partner Elena Dillon were integral to our now twenty-year experience with the Synergy community. At first blush, Tammy seemed serious, even stern— my boys, Sasha, Class of 2013 and Niko Crawford, Class of 2018, said she had a quiet authority everyone understood— but Tammy revealed her warmth, generosity, and joyful spirit slowly and deeply over the years. I knew she hailed from New Hampshire, and I later learned she went to school with one of my mother’s good friends, whom I knew throughout my childhood.
It is hard to think of Synergy and the world without such a complete, caring, thoughtful, giving soul. I hope she is off on a backcountry ski trail somewhere in the great beyond.
Tammy had a ruggedness, a decidedly not frilly demeanor; I can only imagine one has to develop some toughness to handle the New Hampshire winters. She always had something deep and meaningful to impart about our boys, and I remember looking forward to teacher conferences. Of course, I loved learning more about my sons’ academic and social lives, but I also enjoyed conversing with Synergy teachers. Tammy was always prepared and forthright; deep in my marrow, I felt she got my kids and our family.

My most indelible Tammy memory was on a Synergy snow trip. She was one of the staff members who loved and spearheaded the outdoor ed program, one of the many reasons we chose and loved Synergy. I, too — having grown up on the East Coast — loved snow play and cleared my schedule to be a part of the biennial expedition. I helped Tammy run the cross- country ski sessions on this trip. Not only was it an activity I adored, but teaching kids who had never done it— let alone seen snow— was such a delight. Sure, some kids had to be coaxed and would have preferred a board game and hot cocoa in the lodge. After many successful sessions, Tammy declared she would take all the more advanced skiers on a tour behind the Clair Tappaan Lodge. I was nervous about my skill level, but Tammy was encouraging, as encouraging with me as she was with all the scared, grumpy, or cheeky students. What ensued was a magical few hours where I pushed myself and loved every minute of the outdoor adventure. At every juncture, Tammy was supportive, but in her inimitable way, she got me to the next peak or downhill stint. It was a memorable experience that I will forever cherish.
My other deeply meaningful encounter with Tammy— beyond her very calm, capable daily presence— was in the mid-2000s at the height of the recession. I was sure we would have to take our kids out of Synergy. Tammy showed such incredible compassion. I entered her office and burst into tears, an utterly uncharacteristic outburst born of financial stress. Tammy was instrumental in helping us have both our boys spend nine years at Synergy. I will be forever indebted to her and the school, and I continue to be a part of the Board of Trustees years after my children have graduated. In some ways, it is an attempt to give back and honor the dedication and commitment of educators like Tammy and continue supporting such an amazing learning environment.

It is with great sadness that I write this—I had hoped to see her again. Since their retirement, I have often thought of Tammy and Elena on cross-country adventures with their beloved dogs. I had many conversations about dog agility training, and they were enthusiastic about it. I often smiled and nodded—not fully understanding—but I knew how much Tammy loved it, and her joy was palpable and infectious.
In the years since our boys became alums, we have stayed connected to the school as a family. Both boys have worked at Synergy Summer, and I remain on the Board. I always looked forward to seeing Tammy. It is hard to think of Synergy and the world without such a complete, caring, thoughtful, giving soul. I hope she is off on a backcountry ski trail somewhere in the great beyond. I will forever feel deeply connected to Synergy, particularly the outdoor ed program, because of Tammy… godspeed.
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