- Human origins
- River valley civilizations
- Movement of people and ideas
- Age of first empires
- Classical Greece
- Ancient Rome
- First empires of India and China
Year 2 - Early Modern World History
- African civilizations
- The Americas
- Byzantines, Russians and Turks
- Empires of East Asia
- European middle ages
- Societies and empires of Africa
- People and empires in the Americas
Year 3 - American History
- Encounters and colonies
- The American Revolution
- The expanding nation
- Civil war and reconstruction
- New frontiers
- World War I
- World War II
Approaches to Learning
- High-level reading
- Primary sources
- Cornell note-taking
- Annotating texts
- APPARTS method of document analysis
- Seminar notes and discussions (Socratic tradition)
- Student created iMovie or video presentations
- Student created dioramas
- Student created songs
- Student created dramatic performance
- Connections project with kindergarten class
- History fair (integrated with language arts class)
- 8th grade research project and presentation (integrated with language arts class)