- Pattern
- Contrast
- Emphasis
- Balance
- Drawing
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Collage
- Ceramics
- Sculpture
- Textile arts
- Mixed media
Subject Matter
- Artists (contemporary and past)
- Styles
- Movements
- World cultures
- Architecture
- Art history
- Art vocabulary
- Props and scenery for the January play performance
Skills, Strategies, Behaviors
- Employ creative thinking
- Creates original art that expresses their personal ideas
- Continued understanding of color mixing
- Recognize and name secondary colors
- Continued understanding of warm and cool colors
- Continued understanding of tints, shades, and tones
- Beginning understanding of complementary colors
- Beginning understanding of analogous colors
- Beginning understanding of one-point perspective
- Continued understanding of space and basic rules of perspective, foreground, middle round, and background
- Explore and utilize a variety of materials with increasing comfort and proficiency
- Improve skills in seeing, noticing details, and discussing artwork
- Understand that there are many different kinds of art
- Be able to identify and create a variety of lines and shapes
- Be able to identify implied and actual texture
- Gain continued exposure to different kinds of art
- Beginning understanding of how things organized on the paper (the composition) affects the work of art
- Beginning use of Sketchbooks to explore planning and ideas in art making
- Refection through writing and discussion
- Construct
- Cut
- Glue
- Draw
- Sculpt
- Paint
- Print
- Weave
Approaches to Learning
- Demonstrations
- Practice
- Experimentation
- Class discussions
- Literature
- Games
- Reflection (oral or written)
- Individual projects
- Group projects